Care Haven’s Wish List

Care Haven, as so many other organisations, has been negatively affected by the harsh economic climate at present. Despite the many challenges that we face on a daily basis Care Haven delivers and will continue to deliver an invaluable service to the community of Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas.

In order to continue rendering effective services and to provide the maximum care for our residents whom we serve, we most certainly cannot do it without your support.

Below is what we are always in need of:

Care Haven Wish List

Nursing: Plasters, Panado’s, cough mixture, gastro and nausea medication, scissors to cut bandages, bandages, Micro Pore, gauze, Gentian violet, Fryers Balsam, cotton wool, cotton gauze swabs etc.

Arts & Crafts: Craft scissors, paper, cardboard, wood, used purity bottles, stay craft antique finish, supa-wood, paintbrushes, beads, paints, thin wire, newspapers, old books and magazines, wallpaper glue, patterned serviettes, pencils, pens, kooky pens, empty 2L cold drink bottles, fabric, wool, paint, glue, old cards etc.

Residents: Good second hand clothing, toiletries (e.g. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, razors, facecloths), volunteers for outings etc.

Administration: Good second hand computers, A4 paper, staples, pens, mouse pads etc.

Kitchen: Foodstuffs (i.e. sugar, tea, milk powder, tinned foods, fresh or frozen vegetables, fruit, meat), pots, sharp knives, frying pans, kettles, urns, industrial sandwich makers, cutlery and crockery etc.

Housekeeping and Maintenance: good second hand furniture, paint, scrapers, sandpaper, poly filler, old tiles, good second-hand towels, linen, curtains, indoor plants and pot plant holders etc.
